Friday, April 13, 2012

Chapter 27

We reached Jouri's house, Fay came over after 30 minutes. We went to the basement, ga3adna ensolef. I talked to Wahab, geltla ena ra7 asawe ele ohwa yabeeh ou ra7 abdi awakher 3an Ziyad, bes mu faj2a. Jouri galat betsa3edny since he's her brother, itgoul kel ma tshoufna bro7na betye tes7abne ou chithe.

Me: " Excuse me shwey, barou7 el7amam. "

Jouri: " Okay. Do you need help? "

Me: " La 3ady, I'll use the elevator. "

Fay: " La t6awlen be3dain oulah 3alaich. "

I laughed  " Kalba. "

I went upstairs, I saw Ziyad in the living room, he was watching tv. 9adait 3ana chena mafe a7ad mawjoud and went straight to Jouri's room, 3ogib ma khala9t mn el7amam I called Wahab.

Wahab: " Hala bel zain. "

I smiled " Hala hala. "

Wahab: " Ha wainech baba? "

Me: " Eb bait Jouri. "

Wahab: " Take care 7ayate. "

Me: " Inshala. "

Wahab: " So meta betriden? "

Me: " Madre yemken bacher. "

Wahab: " Betnamen 3endihom? "

Me: " Eeh geltlek banam 3endihom. "

Wahab: " Aha. "

Me: " Eeh. "

Wahab: " Tadren sheno akther shay a7eba bel 3alam? "

Me: " Sheno? "

Wahab: " Lemman etdigen 3alay faj2a. "

Me: " 9ij? "

Wahab: " Wala el3athem I automatically smile. "

Me: " 7abebe wala. "

Wahab: " Inzain Lulu? "

Me: " Hala. "

Wahab: " Bes hala? "

I laughed: " 3ayal shtabe? E7med rabek ma geltlik ha. "

He laughed " Ta3lemay el7achy men 7abebich, goulay 3younha aw hala 7ayate aw hala 7abeby. "

Me: " Iseer khair enshala. "

Wahab: " Wala e7na bes netzawaj ana gayel ba2adbech. "

Me: " Inzain inzain. "

Wahab: " So, abe ashoufich. "

Me: " Tawik shayefne. "

Wahab: " Elayam ele 6afat 9ayer elwath3 baina awkward ou entay tedren laish, 9ayer makalmech nefs awal. Ou 7ata elga3da ele ga3adt'ha ma3ach kanat kela 3an Ziyad ou ma t'hanait weyach. "

Me: " Ee. "

Wahab: " So feech ne6la3 this thursday? "

Me: " Wain? "

Wahab: " Madre kaifech wain taben enrou7? "

Me: " Madre kayfk, bes shlon ag3ed weyak? "

Wahab: " Etyen weyay elsayara. "

Me: " La la mu sayara sheno sayara! "

Wahab: " Al7en ga3adtay weyay belshalaih ma taben teg3iden weyay bel sayara? "

Me: " Shalaih ghair. "

Wahab: " La 7abebty shalaih al3an. "

Me: " Shako. "

Wahab: " Walah, entay 3abalech basawy fech shay? "

Me: " La. "

Wahab: " Ga3ed agolech ana lo basawy shay chan sawait belshalaih ma7ad yadre 3ana. "

Me: " Ee adre. "

Wahab: " Do you trust me? "

Me: " Akeed. "

Wahab: " Khala9 3ayal. "

Me: " Wahab ma aby. "

Wahab: " Inzain bes khala9 ashofich mn b3ed lai b3ed. "

Me: " Ee chethe good. "

Wahab: " Meta beshelon eljebs? "

Me: " Of nesait 3an eljebs, mara7 agder ashofek this week etha eljebs still mawjoud. "

Wahab: " Ma tadren meta beshelona? "

Me: " Madri I have an appointment this Wednesday. "

Wahab: " Mmm, 3ayal this week shbtsawen? "

Me: " Madri, wela shay I think. "

Wahab: " Inshalah eshelouna this week. "

Me: " Madre matwa8a3 beshelona. "

Wahab: " Bes goulay enshala. "

Me: " Inshala. "

Wahab: " A7ebich. "

Me: " Ana akther. "

Wahab: " Yala baba taben shay? Ana barou7 eldewaneya. "

Me: " La salamtek, take care. "

Wahab: " Inshalah ou 7ettan entay. "

Me: " Inshalla. "

6ila3t bara, Ziyad kan still mawjoud. Kan ga3ed e6ale3ny ou uhwa mesta'3reb shloun marait ou ma 3abarta.

Ziyad: " Lulu? "

" Hala. " I replied

Ziyad: " Shfeech? "

Me: " Mafene shay, yala ana banzil. "

Ziyad: " La7tha la7tha, wala ma tanzilen. "

Me: " Shfek? "

Ziyad: " Mafene shay ana, 9ayerlich shay? "

I smiled " La wala. "

Ziyad: " Ok. "

And I went downstairs.

Jouri: " Kelhatha 7amam? "

Me: " I called Wahab. "

Jouri: " Aah goulay chethe. "

I laughed " Ya7mara wala jed re7t el7amam. "

Fay: " Mat3arfen etrag3en. "

Me: " Ela Fayo? "

Fay: " Ha. "

Me: " Sh9ar 3ala Fahad? "

Fay: " Ay Fahad? "

Jouri: " Haiw entaw ay Fahad. "

Fay: " Aaah, 7amani ya bent elnas 7amani. "

Me: " Nefs elshay, shlouna? "

Jouri: " Shilsalfa? Ay 7amani? "

We told Jouri the story.

Me: " Sh9ar 3alaih? "

Fay: " Wala madre shagoulech. "

Me: " Laish sh9ar? "

Fay: " Wala he treats me like a princess, a7esa e7ebny. Wayed e3amelny zain ou ekhaf 3alay ou e'3ar ou kelshay ou e3a9eb etha 7a6ait 9orat my cousins, ou kelyom edizle goodmorning ou goodnight. "

Me: " Mmm, madre shagoulech. "

Fay: " Wayed merta7atla ana. "

Me: " Taben el9ij? "

Fay: " Sure. "

Me: " Ana mu merta7atla kelish. "

Jouri: " Ee 7attan ana, ma7saita khosh wa7ed kelish."

Fay: " Wai3 entaw shfekom laish chethe? Ma tabouni astanes? "

Me: " Aked nabech testansain, ou hamen ma nabech tenkasrain. "

Fay: " 9arle ta8reban one month weyah ou kelyom ekalemny 24/7 ou isolef ou wayed eyanen. "

Me: " Fay uhma chethe, yetghayeron faj2a ou e3algonech. "

Fay: " Ye3ni Wahab eb yet'3ayar? "

Me: " Fay walah el3athem Wahab ghair. "

Fay: " Madre Lulu. "

Me: " Derbalech. "

Fay: " A7eba. "

Me: " Wala hatha ele ana khayfa mena. "

Fay: " Iff. "

Me: " Khayfa et3algain ou tandimen ba3dain. "

Fay: " Inshala la2. "

Me: " Inshala. "

Jouri: " Inzain 7ettan ana bagoulekom shey. "

Me: " Goulay? "

Jouri: " I have a crush on someone. "

Me: " Minu? "

Jouri wayeha 9ar a7mar.

Fay laughed " Khal9ay. "

Jouri: " Khaled. "

My eyes popped out " Ay Khaled? "

Jouri: " Khaled weld 3ametich. "

Fay: " La la la Jouri mu men 9ejich. "

Jouri: " Wala a7eba. "

Me: " Shet7eben feeh? 7a8eer ista'3faralalh. "

Jouri: " Wala 7ada ishaweg, he followed me on twitter. "

Me: " Wai3 Jouri. "

Jouri: " Ye3ni entaw 3ade et7ebon ou ana la2? "

Me: " Ma amne3ich, ma getlich la t7eben. Bes mu Khaled! "

Fay: " Ee wai3 3ad ela Khaled. "

I didn't want to tell her ena uhwa i7ebny, mabe akser feha. Bes bakareh'ha feeh.

Jouri: " A7eba shasawe galbe e7eba. "

Me: " Wala ra7 tekrhen 7ayatch wyah, ana his cousin ou lay3a chabde mena. "

Jouri: " Madri. "

Fay: " Lulu khaleha wala eb tet7asaf. "

Jouri: " Hey latgolon chethe. "

Me: " Wai3 I hate him. "

Fay: " Mu kethre. "

Jouri: " Khara 3alaikom. "

Fay: " Ana ba93ad shway foug. "

Me: " Wain? "

Fay: " 7amam. "

Me: " Mashala. "

Fay: " Chub chub. "

Fay's side:

She went upstairs and saw Ziyad.

Fay: " Shetsawe ebro7ek chenek ga6o? "

Ziyad: " Ga3ed ashouf tv. "

Fay: " Inzain. "

Ziyad: " Fay bas2elich su2al bes 7elfay itgolen el9ij? "

Fay: " Sure."

Ziyad: " Lulu met'3ayra 3alaich? "

Fay: " La. "

Ziyad: " Kelish? "

Fay: " Mmm madre la kelish mu met'3ayra. "

Ziyad: " Hmm. "

Fay: " Laish? "

Ziyad: " Madre 9ayra ma ta36ene wayh ou 7atan matsolef weyay ou kela et9ed ou 7ettan BBM ma gamat itkalemny kelish. "

Fay: " Madre wala. "

Ziyad: " Hmm. "

Fay: " Yemken emsawelaha shay? Tethakar? "

Ziyad: " Ma atwaqa3 3ashan eldaga ele sawait'ha. "

Fay laughed " Ay daga ba3ed? "

Ziyad: " Nadait'ha barra ou giltlaha ba7achech eb mawthou3 kha6er ou la tz3len mene ou akher shay giltlaha sheno betyebeli eb my birthday. "

Fay: " Khara 3alaik shal ta3asa ele 3ayesh feha 3ala hal daga, bes matwaqa3 kelish matwaqa3. Ehya etmout 3al dagat. "

Ziyad: " 3ayel ma sawait laha shey ghair hatha. "

Fay: " Tabe akalemha? "

Ziyad: " La mala da3y, kaifha khaleha 3ala ra7at'ha. "

Fay: " Kaifek. "

Back to our side:

Fay came back running " Ambaih ambaih. "

Me: " Ha ha shfeech? "

Fay: " Way 7aram Zayoud. "

Jouri: " Shfeeh? "

Fay: " Ga3ed egouli shfeha Lulu 3alay? "

Me: " Ay shay, hatha bes eb youm wa7ed ou 7as. "

Jouri: " 7aram tara ma artha 3ala ekhouy. "

Fay: " Ambaih embayen shayel eb kha6ra 7ail ou ga3ed egoul ana ma sawait laha wela shay 3ashan et'3ayar. "

Me: " Ayshay ayshay, 7aram. "

Fay: " Ee 7ada, Lwailo khefay 3alaih mu chethe et'3ayrain. "

Me: " Ma sawait shay ana. "

Jouri: " Ee 9a7 hatha men awelha ou uhwa 7as. "

Me: " Jouriyo tekfain rag3eli. "

Jouri: " Enshala ashoufli 9erfa. La ta36ena wayh hal ayam kelish. "

Me: " Akhaleh chethe? "

Jouri: " Ee 3ashan yet3awad. "

Fay: " Way 7aram 3ad eyanen. "

Me: " 7ada. "

Eb hal youmain ele nemt fehoum 3end Jouri jed ma kent ga3da a36e Ziyad wayh kelish, ajaweb 3ala ged elso2al ou ma akalma kelish, embayen ena shayel eb kha6ra 3aley. I miss Ziyad, ye3ni I miss our stupid fights. Bes Wahab yestahel ene asawe chethe 3alashana.

I went back home, jed there's no place like home. I took a shower changed to my PJ's and laid on my bed, ume ib to9al 2 am. So kelish mara7 yamdene arou7laha. I took my Blackberry ga3adt a7ous eb mobiley wela faj2a an unknown number is calling, I picked up the phone.

Me: " Alo? "

Lemma gelt " Alo"  seda eshta'3lat eghneyat 3abdulmajeed 3abdala - met'3ayer 3alay.

" Mahe hal laila ou bes, wenta met'3ayer 3alay. 9arlak kam leila wenta enta balek maho ley, 7ather eb galbek ou '3ayeb wana galbi feek thayeb. Leih ya a'3la el7abayeb enta same3 3ane shay? "

He sighed " Walhan 3alaich. "

Me: " Ziyad? "


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 7raam! Cant wait till 28! when will you post it?

  3. Mshala your novel is addictive! How many hours did it take you to write it? and do u write on a daily basis <3?

  4. half of my school and I r waiting for u to post chapter 28!! yalla plllzzzzzzz:'( sawet account just so I can tell u this-_-

  5. I love your novel I just can't stop reading it I swear! Your description is just ah-ma-zing I get butterflies every time wahab says something sweet to Lulu ♥ I love how I can connect to the characters keep up the good job xx plz don't keep us waiting we are in desperate need for chapter 28 *_*
