Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter 37

So today's finally weekend, this week was one of the slowest weeks ever. Ahmed told me that its okay if I went to my grandmother's house, so I'm going. A7taj ashem hawa!

I was sitting on the table, reading the newspaper. Wala mara eb 7ayati sawait'ha bes shasawy malal!

I saw Ahmed coming. " I'm going to my grandmother's house today! " I told him

Ahmed: " Wiya mino? "

Me: " Ome. "

Ahmed: " Okay! "

I went to my room, logged in to Twitter. I checked my mentions!

Aww, my friends are cute! A7ebhom.

@Lulu_AlFlani wainech bbm?

@Lulu_AlFlani bbm wala shay bedounech.

@Lulu_AlFlani we missed you at school this week!

@Lulu_AlFlani salamat matshoufen shar!

And so much more, these mentions seriously made my day!

I sat on my bed, I started thinking " How did Khaled find out? " I never asked myself this question.

Musta7el etkoun 9edfa ou musta7el ekoun same3na ana ou Mesk youm tekalamna!

Woah, hold it!


I started remembering how nervous she was gabel la te6la3, it's Farah. I'm 100% sure!

I can't wait to see Mesk.

I took a nap and woke up around 5:30, I changed to my baby blue skinny jeans and a black leather jacket with a white tank top, I applied some makeup ou 5alait sha3ry 6abe3y.

I went downstairs, my mother was waiting for me.

Me: " Yalah? "

My mother: " Yalah. "

We arrived to my grandmother's house, Khaled's car was parking infront of the house of course.

I was nervous, I don't want to see Khaled. Not today!

I'm not ready.

I need to confront him!

I probably should stop thinking. Kelshey eb wagta 7elo!

I went inside, I didn't see Khaled thank god!

Salamt 3ala kelmen, Mesk hugged me so tight. I wanted to cry!

Mesk: " Emshay enrou7 dakhel. "

Me: " Yalah. "

I told Mesk the whole story beltaf9el.

Mesk: " Oh my god! Ma a9adeg ele 9ar! "

Me: " Eeh 7ada. "

Mesk: " Ou shlounech al7en? "

Me: " A7es nefsi mayta, I'm not feeling anything! Jed wala, mu ga3da a7es eb wala shay. "

Mesk: " 7abebty walah, alah mara7 ethaye3 7ag a7ed. "

Me: " Ee walah, wedy akalem Farah. "

Mesk: " Shitgoulelaha? "

Me: " Lazim a3aref etha ehya eli gayla wela la. "

Mesk : " La Lulu, walah malna khelg meshakel. "

Me: " Ye3ni eli ehya saweta feny shwaya? She destroyed my life, she took away the thing I loved the most! She- "

Farah: " Elsalam. "

Mesk: " Wa3alaikom elsalam. "

I was giving her shitty stairs!

Farah: " Laish chethy ga3da et6al3eny? "

" La walah? " I said while raising my eyebrow.

Farah: " Ha shfech? "

Me: " La el3afu mafeny shay! "

Farah: " Haw Lulu? "

Me: " Shoufay Farah, walah el3athem etha ma khlaiteny ou 6ila3tay bara walah be9erlich shay mu zain, leana el7arakat elwa9kha ele ga3da etsawenha hathy ma tamshy 3alay! Ou walah el3a'6eem kelshey mardoud, entay 3la balech ana basketlich? "

Farah: " Entay shga3da etkharbe6en el7emdelah wilsheker? "

Me: " Shga3da akharbe6? La walah Farah? Stop acting innocent, adre enich entay wara ele 9arli last week! "

Farah: " Sha-ako? "

Me: " Walah el3athem enich 8alelat adab ou ma teste7en, foug kelhatha hamen tankiren? Jed entay sheno? Ana sheno sawetlich? 6oul 3omre a7achich 3adel ou 7a6etich foug rasy hatha ou ana ma able3ich ou akrehech kerh elyahood, laish sawaitay chethe? Sheno eb testifden abe afham? '6aya3tay meni Wahab ou Ziyad, '6aya3tay the8at ukhoy feni, kelhatha 3ashan taben Wahab? Wahab EB A7LAMECH e7ebich sam3a 7abebty? "

She didn't say a word, I know I was a bit harsh on her, bes ele saweta fene jed mu shwaya!

Suddenly, Farah raised her voice " Ee bes walah 3ad ma7ed galech rou7ay wa3day Wahab ou rekbay weyah elsayara! "

....: " SHENO? "

This voice is familiar, I turned around to see who was it. Hoping its not my mother!

Farah: " Oh khalty. "

9ij walah Farah? She was facing the door:)

She did it on purpose, walah el3athem she's A BITCH!

Me: " Mama I can explain! "

My mother: " EXPLAIN WHAT? "

I looked at her.


I wanted to cry.


I hate her, enshalah 7oubti ma ete3daha ya raby.




We got into my mother's white Range Rover, I was looking at her with eyes of guilt.

She stopped the car suddelny.

Me: " Shfech? "

She raised her voice "  OU TIS2ELENY SHFECH BA3AD? "

My voice became shaky " Mama please let me explain! "

My mother: " Explain what? Entay 7a6aitay rasna bel arth Lulu, fahmeny e7na fe mara ga9arna ma3ach eb shay? Fe mara sawainalech shay? Entay kel el tabena ga3ed eyelich lai mokanech, 6al3at weya rab3ech shalaihat weya rab3ech safrat kelmokan ga3den enwadech, sharainalech kel ele tabena! Wadainach elmadrisa ele tabenha, uboch ma ga9ar weyach eb shay laish 7a6aitay isma bel arth? " she started crying " Entay chethe mu bes 7a6aitay sum3etich bel arth, 7a6aitay sum3at uboch! Sum3at el3ayla, sum3atna ya Lulu! Walah 7aram 3alaich. Uboch kibeer, lo yedri shbi9er feeh? Entay tadren ena ahem shay 3enda elsum3a walah el3athem ay kelma wa7da tesda7a bel mustashfa! "

Walah el3athem 7asait ena she's going to die any second men kether ma bechat ou 9arekhat.

7asait nefsy yahel  " Mama, please don't cry allah ekhalech! Mama walah el3athem Wahab e7ebny ou yabe yetzawajny! "

My mother: " Entay 3ela balech elreyayel el7en nefs awal? Kelhom chathaben, ga9 3alaich eb cham kelma ou yaitay 9adagteh? Lulu e7na wethaqna feech! Atharech trou7en te6le3en weyah men warana? Mu 7aram 3alaich? Ou alah ya3lam shemsawya weyah ba3ed. "


Me: " Mama, uhwa mu7taram ou ma sawaly wela shay! Walah el3athem he's different wallah! "

My mother: " Sim3eny zain Lulu, from now on lsany mara7 e6eb 3ala elsanech ana male she'3el feech, ou ana mane rathya 3ala ele sawaiteh ya Lulu. "

Me: " Mama wela ana rathya 3ala ele sawaitah, walah el3athem walah el3athem eni a7eba ou i7ebny! "

My mother: " Ou entay shdarach ena e7ebich ya Lulu? 9bayan hal wagt yenkhaf menhom! "

Me: " Mama entay kalmeh ou eb tefehemen menah kelshey! "

My mother: " Mara7 akalma wela ekalemny! "

Me: " Gabel la tsawen ay shay 7e6ay nefsich eb mokany! "

My mother: " Bes a7e6 foug'hom theqat ahaly ou sum3ety, bes khala9 raja2an 9akray elmawtho3 mabe atkalem 3ana. "

I started crying, she turned on the engine and drove back home.

I'm literally LIFELESS.

I don't want to live anymore, there's nothing worth living for!



  1. Please write more next time, more events. Not more words o s6oor.

  2. Replies
    1. Chapter 38 plzzzz ,, 3la nar w 76b 8a3da astna meta yeye 3ashan akmel ,,
      I really like ur story
      & really like u Lulu
      Bss plzz chapter 38

      good luck ;)

  3. I LOVE THIS STORYY!! dont worry allah by5th 7gch inshallah:* mahmakan thaila ur family stuff likee this can happen in any house mabyt5alon 3nch!! love you

  4. I love the story :* keep up, ,, wai 8hrtany fra7 bs enshllah 78cha ma y'9ee3 ;) plss post the next chapter ASAP! !

  5. A39abkom yal coment hey taraha m5awya w thanyan sh'hal om ily tgool "Entay 3ela balech elreyayel el7en nefs awal" + "Ou entay shdarach ena e7ebich ya Lulu" ly w ya3ny il7ob 3ady!!! Ma tnlam ilbnt i4a omha tgool ki4a :s

  6. w3liiih h al.lulu mo mtrg3h kl shwy 6a7t 3leha m9eebh !!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. l2nha illy tsawy 3'ala6 bala 7ob bala 5arabee6 ha4a illy 2stfdnah min al2janb. eysh hal ma95ara!! true love mafy shay 2smah true love walla love kilha 5arabee6 t7asboon 3leeha. w ga3da ma3ah blsayara l7alhom 7ilwa 4y
      عن عبدالله بن عباس رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال"لا يخلونَّ رجلٌ بامراةٍ مع ذي محرمٍ". أخرجه البخاري
      وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم:"ما خلا رجل بامرأة إلا كان الشيطان ثالثهما"
      يكفي أن تجلس لمدة خمس دقائق مع امرأة حتى ترتفع لديك نسبة هرمون الإجهاد" هذا ما توصلت إليه دراسة علمية حديثة حسب صحيفة ديلي تلغراف!

      لمزيد من المعلومات

    3. Ya7lailchh=)) alla ythbtch yarabii:*
      a2yd raych walla ibslft isayaraa bas stuff happen wilbnt akeed bt'3l6 3ashan tit3lm il9a7, w kather allah 5airhaa ilbntt tktblinaa wnt3lm i7naa ma3ahaa:*

  7. The review I promissed on twitter is ready about this story everything I wrote about is true from my heart

  8. 7lailha lulu :( thanks for posting!

  9. Enshllah 78ch ma y'9e3 pls chapter 38 ASAP LOVE U <3 ADDMNT UR STORY

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ay 7ag inty althany alla ykarmna b3goolna malha 7ag !!! 8ilat adab 8asaman bilah

  10. Ahhhh pleeeez post chapter 38 asap wlllllla i love the story and love u

    Waiting 3la naar

  11. This stoory is just amaazinngg ! <33 .. all my friends are reading it too !
    please post the next chapter we cant wait any longer >< </33

  12. B9ara7a ana admnt al89aa 7ata in the school
    I keep reading it 5al9taa kaml in 3 days omg abii a3rff shbe9er 7adaa eshawg i love zayoud 7abibii ohwa <3

  13. wow...just WOW! i just finished reading it! i couldn't let go of the laptop thank god its the weekend wila kint ray7a feeha :P
